
Combat Hospital

Combat Hospital is a medical drama television series, filmed in Toronto, that debuted on Global in Canada and ABC in the United States on June 21, 2011.

Combat Hospital (TV Series 2011) - Episode list

A highly-trained trauma surgeon, and Captain Bobby Trang, a brand-new doctor, report for duty at the NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar ...

Combat Hospital: 第1 季

在Google Play 購買「Combat Hospital: 第1 季」後,可透過電腦、Android 裝置或iOS 裝置觀看。此外,只要下載即可離線觀看,甚至可以透過Chromecast 投放到大螢幕上 ...

Combat Hospital

The war zone of Southern Afghanistan is the workplace for the doctors, nurses and medics of the Role 3 Medical Unit, a Canadian-led NATO team delivering the ...

Combat Hospital

TONIGHT at 10|9c: Tune-in for the riveting season finale of Combat Hospital and join the conversation during the episode by chatting live with the cast and ...

Combat Hospital (TV Series 2011)

評分 7.3/10 (2,410) Portrays doctors and nurses from Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and other allied countries saving lives and limbs in a war zone military hospital modeled on a real ...

Combat Hospital Season 1

評分 7.3/10 (2,411) An international team of doctors, nurses and medics deliver the best battlefield surgical care anywhere to wounded soldiers, civilians caught in the crossfire, ...


戰地醫院(Combat Hospital)是一部加拿大醫療劇電視系列節目,拍攝地點是多倫多市,在加拿大環球電視台首播。在美國則是在美國廣播公司電視頻道播出。


,CombatHospitalisamedicaldramatelevisionseries,filmedinToronto,thatdebutedonGlobalinCanadaandABCintheUnitedStatesonJune21,2011.,Ahighly-trainedtraumasurgeon,andCaptainBobbyTrang,abrand-newdoctor,reportfordutyattheNATORole3MultinationalMedicalUnitatKandahar ...,在GooglePlay購買「CombatHospital:第1季」後,可透過電腦、Android裝置或iOS裝置觀看。此外,只要下載即可離線觀看,甚至可以透過Chromecast投...